Retrogrades don’t suck: how to use planetary retrogrades for good


A word of encouragement if ever there was one.

Retrogrades are known to cause drama, confusion, delays, and stagnation regarding topics related to the planet in question. But it’s not all bad.

The word retrograde comes from Latin retrogradus, meaning “to go backwards.” And while the planets don’t technically move in the opposite direction, they do slow down to the point that they seem to move backwards from our position here on Earth.

Metaphorically, retrogrades are an invitation for us to turn it around. On that walk we are likely to reckon with projects, people and unhealed wounds from the past that are in deep need of resolution.

Planetary retrogrades aren’t all bad—in fact, they’re necessary

Retrogrades are muffled, but on purpose! Rattana –

Retrograde periods are great times to REVIEW, REFLECT, REDO, REVIEW, REINVEST AND REVIEW. If a verb has the prefix “re-” before it, a retrograde is likely perfect time to do it.

In contrast, retrograde periods are not ideal for starting new things; they are more suitable for reassessing your progress, plans or previous relationships and fixing or clearing them completely.

Yes, during a retrograde, you may receive an unwanted text from an ex or even feel that something is “breaking down” or losing speed.

Remember that the universe is not a malevolent force and the planets move at different speeds and rates to bring about necessary change and purposeful progress.

Retrogrades often unearth past relationships for us to examine, consider, and resolve. ThorstenSchmitt –

Retrogrades are the best time to release control, surrender and observe how the universe is shifting around you. When the planets slow down, we step in, focusing inwardly, ie, the reactions and actions we can control versus everything and everyone we can’t.

As creatures of habit living in a solar patriarchy that demands speed and production rewards, our punishing pace can cause us to miss out on beautiful experiences, relationships, and opportunities.

Retrograde can be causing but we need them because they encourage us to slow down, take a deep breath, and change course. As creatures of habit living in a solar patriarchy that demands speed and production rewards, our punishing pace can cause us to miss out on beautiful experiences, relationships, and opportunities.

Illustration of the solar system seen from beyond Neptune, with all eight planets visible around the sun. Future Publishing via Getty Images

Retrogrades offer a second chance.

Planetary PSA If an opportunity or relationship drops or completely explodes during a retrograde cycle, chances are the planet is doing you a favor. Believe that every closed door, dumpster fire, broken heart, and shattered dream can open a window of unforeseen potential.

How each planetary retrograde affects you – and the world

Each planet is associated with a different component of life and energy. Getty Images

Not all planetary retrogrades hit as hard as others.

The retrogrades we feel the most involve the personal planets: Mercury, Venus or Mars. Each luminary governs an area of ​​our daily life: namely communication, relationships and conflict/action, and that is why we feel their effects most intensely.

The outer planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – relate to larger themes in our lives and the world around us. These themes often affect our larger aspirations and affect the structures of our society at large.

Each planet is associated with a specific area of ​​our lives and brings with it a particular energy. That is why when each one retrogrades—in essence, weakening its strength and power—we find that whatever it regulates is available for review.

Here is a quick list of how each retrograde affects you.

Mercury retrograde

Mercury rules both mental processing and verbal expression. Janez Volmayer –

As the planet of communication, technology and the mind, Mercury is the fastest moving planet in the sky. However, because it moves so quickly, it also experiences the oldest retrogrades—typically three to four times. This is the most obvious retrograde because we can see it so clearly in our lives, creating mental fog and discord and causing everything with moving parts to break down.

Each retrograde period lasts about three weeks, but when we factor in the retro-shadow, the period before and after the shadow of Mercury’s spin, we spend up to six months a year at the mercy of dealing with Mercury’s deceleration.

Venus retrograde

Venus is named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and relationships, turns retrograde approximately every 18 months for a period of about six weeks. When it does, we often see exes and old relationships resurface, so we can shut down and burn or return to the fire and be resurrected. We also tend to look at everything through lusciously dangerous rose-colored glasses, so it’s not the ideal time to get married, start a relationship, or change your look.

Etymologically, Venus is derived from the Latin word for desire. Despite this, the planet’s retrograde is an invitation to reevaluate our relationship with desire and our hierarchies of pleasure.

Mars retrograde

Warmonger Mars is the ruling planet of Aries. Getty Images/iStockphoto

As the planet of sex, passion, drive and energy, Mars retrograde periods can be exhausting. The overall vibe is slow motion and unsexy edges with mixed results and no desire. Because Mars rules conflict and war, we may become more combative or find that battles from the past are hot and begging to be fought. Mars retrograde periods are not conducive to starting a big project – or anything, really. These periods occur approximately every 26 months for about two to two and a half months at a time.

Jupiter retrograde

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and enlightenment. Getty Images/EyeEm

Jupiter, the planet of luck, wealth and expansion, has much less obvious retrograde periods than those listed above.

Because Jupiter is known as the “great benefactor,” the celestial body that weighs blessings and blessings, its retrograde often brings with it the opportunity to make good on missed chances and the opportunity to truly appreciate the efforts we’ve been associated with.

If the ROI doesn’t involve cash, delirious joy, sacred truth, lasting orgasms or personal progress, then it’s “rubbish, rubbish, rubbish, not for you”. These periods occur once a year for about four months at a time.

Saturn retrograde

Saturn is the planet of tough love, hard lessons and long games when it comes to love. dimazel –

As the planet of life lessons, karma and perseverance, Saturn is known to strengthen through trials and setbacks, sharpening our will against angels of adversity. we are talking work, b–chbut the kind you’re grateful for in the long run, the kind of resistance that shows you what you’re capable of.

When the planet goes retrograde, we are called to reflect on where we are falling or failing in our respective paths and whether or not it may be time to find a new way forward. For every 12 months, Saturn is usually retrograde for about 4 and a half months.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Uranus retrograde

Uranus is the planet of sudden changes and absolute freedom. revers_jr –

As the planet of chaos, liberation and freedom, Uranus retrograde periods help us understand how we are pursuing our independence and evolving in our lives. We tend to become aware of where we stand and where we can transform next. Once a year, Uranus is retrograde for about five months.

Neptune retrograde

In astrology, Neptune is the psychic planet of ideals, intuition, spirituality and compassion, the realm of dreams and illusions. Shutterstock

As the planet of imagination, spirituality and illusion, Neptune’s retrograde periods help us understand how we are connecting with our soul’s mission. We are often taught to turn within to understand compassion and any illusions or murky influences that may exist within. These cycles take place once a year for about five to six months.

Pluto retrograde

Pluto is the most distant planet in our solar system and rules the ideals and energy of an entire generation. wowinside –

As the planet of rebirth, power and intensity, Pluto helps us ignite what will make the earth rich for what it can still be. These periods help us uncover the hidden, subconscious and self-sabotaging forces within our lives. Pluto “tests” the mettle of his children and draws out and cuts through what holds them back. Rarely mild, but always necessary, these cycles last about five to six months and occur once a year.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured on Access Hollywood, E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC Television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance to celebrities, business leaders and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of stars in relation to entertainment lifestyles and trends that affect people around the world. For more information, visit

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