Ick Astrology: Who Has the Most Unpopular Birth Chart Placements?

Astrologer and tarot card reader Shaina Emily has taken to TikTok to share her insights on birth chart placements that make someone unlikable on a first date, a starter, if you will.

Emily points out, “It’s just the first impression; this does not mean that you are an unpleasant personality when they get to know you; it’s just when they meet you for the first time.”

To find out if you have any of the diseases, you will need your birth chart. If you have your birth date, time and location, you can calculate your chart using a generator like this.

Keep in mind that, more often than not, what people don’t like about others is what they can’t stand about themselves.

Read and leave the haters alone.

Scorpio rising

A Scorpio rising is a polarizing placement. Eric Isselée – stock.adobe.com

The number one disadvantage offender? A Scorpio rising and/or someone with a Scorpio placement in their first house.

Emily explains: “The main thing with Scorpio rising is that you’re really polarizing. People are either absolutely obsessed with you or they just don’t like you. They feel a bad vibe, like something is wrong.”

Taylor Swift performed the Eras Tour in Atlanta in April 2023. Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

Emily explains that this aversion often stems from unresolved issues with power: “People are very suspicious of raising a Scorpio and this reflects their feelings of holding power and taking up space. Because most people don’t have a healthy relationship with their sense of power, they will immediately have a problem with Scorpio rising.”

Undeniably, though some might argue that the unlikable powerhouse Taylor Swift, who divides the world between die-hard believers and vocal haters, is a Scorpio rising.

Lilith, in the 1st, 7th or 10th house

Lilith is named for Adam’s red-haired first wife, who refused to submit to him sexually or psychically. Yurii Zymovin – stock.adobe.com

Emily explains that having Lilith in the 1st, 7th, or 10th house shows an intimidating personality that people tend to dislike.

“You’re going to turn a lot of people away; people will dislike your natural sense of individuality and strong sense of authority.”

For those with Lilith in their first house, Emily says, “People of the same gender as you will dislike you and people of the opposite gender will want to use you.”

To live between exile and exploitation? Boomer.

Apex example anyone with Lilith in the first? Marilyn Monroe.

If Lilith resides in your seventh house of partnerships and trusted relationships, Emily warns that people will see you as an adversary at every turn.

A lightning rod open to controversy, Madonna has Lilith in the seventh house. Getty Images

“Everybody’s going to try to fight you, everybody’s going to try to be mad at you, and everybody’s going to try to see you and belittle you as a bad guy.”

Case in point? Lilith in the seventh house poster child, Madonna.

If you were born with Lilith in the tenth house of career and public perception, Emily warns that it can be difficult to get along with higher-ups: “Your bosses won’t like you. They will be afraid of you.”

This placement of Lilith speaks of unbridled ambition and the need to be unique and distinctive in your chosen profession.

Famous people with Lilith in the tenth include power players such as Albert Einstein, Jennifer Lopez and JFK.

Aquarius rising or Aquarius dominance

Aquarius ascendants can exude pretentiousness. Sergey Kamshylin – stock.adobe.com

Next for the thumbs down? Aquarius rising or Aquarius dominance in the birth chart. Emily, pulling no punches, explains, “You’re vague. You have RBF.”

She says that this placement also brings a one-sided air and a serious superiority complex, “Gemini placements are very likable because they can relate to everyone. Aquarius is the opposite; they will always have this sort of look-down-the-nose thing and put themselves, sometimes unconsciously, in a higher position, especially intellectually.”

An elitist know it all? No thanks.

Sun in the 12th house

Sun in the twelfth natives are inherently suspicious of others. Viktor Koldunov – stock.adobe.com

Emily says that people born with their Sun in the 12th house of undoing, conclusions, and the unconscious mind are immediately imparting to others, “I actually think these people are very likable when you get to know them, but people are very suspicious of you and very cautious on first meeting you.”

She notes that caring is two-way. Of these natives, she says, “You’re just as cautious when meeting people because you’ve had a lot of complicated relationships in your life.”

She says that the 12th house sun evaluates others from a place of strategic defense and protection: “Is this person going to use me? Will this person be a friend and then turn into a hidden enemy?”

Capricorn rising

A lifting lid, according to Emily, can feel like talking to a brick wall. Dmytro Flisak – stock.adobe.com

Another offensive position? A Capricorn sticker.

Emily points out that this similar yields zero fs and next to nothing in terms of engagement, “I just don’t think they expend a lot of energy; they don’t show much enthusiasm. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s like talking to a brick wall.”

The lid on the former is stone cold and hard to break, a steel that is challenging to contain. “You give the opposite of warmth and friendliness. It gives you wit, coolness and coolness. You’re probably self-conscious, which doesn’t make people want to approach you. You’re hard to hit and people don’t want to work that hard.”

Some polarizing looks with the lid up?

Kylie Jenner, Cristiano Ronaldo, Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth II, Gwen Stefani, Gisele Bündchen, Naomi Campbell and Jane Fonda.

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Jupiter in high aspect

Jupiter is the planet of excess and can feel extra. NASA, ESA, A. Simon (Goddard Space)

Emily notes that those with an exalted and dominant aspect Jupiter can come off so strong that others are immediately put off. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, but in excess, it is absolutely extra.

Luxury like Yves Saint Laurent, Birthright, Jimmy Fallon and Sean Penn are all dominated by Jupiter.

“It will be too much for the people; you will look very loud and attention-grabbing. I like a dominant Jupiter, but most people will find you selfish, loud and obnoxious, like no chill.”

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. To book a reading, visit her website.

#Ick #Astrology #Unpopular #Birth #Chart #Placements
Image Source : nypost.com

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